Membership Registration

Become a Member and save!
Select your preferred membership level below. You can only purchase one membership at a time, so if you need to purchase additional memberships, return to this page after you have completed your first purchase.

Individual Membership

An individual membership provides access to all member events and 10% off all classes and event tickets.
9/16/2024 - 9/16/2025
12 Months
This membership gives the member 10.00% off tuition.

Individual Senior Membership

An Individual Senior Membership provides access to all member events and a 10% discount on all classes and event tickets for members aged 65 and up.
9/16/2024 - 9/16/2025
12 Months
This membership gives the member 10.00% off tuition.

Family Membership

A Family Membership provides access to member events for up to four household members and 10% off classes and event tickets.
9/16/2024 - 9/16/2025
12 Months
This membership gives the member 10.00% off tuition.

Student Membership

A Student Membership provides access to member events for and 10% off classes and event tickets for members aged 18 and under who are currently enrolled in school.

9/16/2024 - 9/16/2025
12 Months
This membership gives the member 10.00% off tuition.