Silver II: Russian Filigree - Brenda Lang
Class | Available
This class is designed for students who are skilled in soldering and love working with delicate fine silver wire. The first few exercises will teach you how to make the filigree wire from 24g fine silver wire. You will complete several selected closed frame earrings and pendants. Students will be free to design their own frames and use examples of finished work provided by the instructor. The students then will be guided to create designs of their own. Materials for all projects are included in this class as well as a workbook with instructions on how to make filigree work for you. Materials for the remainder of the week will be available from the instructor including silver and some findings. The students will typically complete five or more pieces or more pieces during the week. Feel free to bring your own tools and OptiVisor or something similar.
Class Fee: $175
Est Material Fee: $100-150
Prerequisite: Silver I
Brenda Lang
Brenda started making beaded jewelry 20 years ago and has not stopped learning new styles and techniques. She has since learned enameling, PMC, and Fused Glass. Her silver career began in 2014 when she attended William Holland. The first class she started with were Silver I and Silver II, however; she also took several classes at William Holland on Russian Filigree, and she was hooked! Brenda enjoys passing on her knowledge in Silver and looks forward to teaching Filigree. Her focus is designing something that no one else has ever seen. She has a workshop in her home where she creates all her unique designs.