Silver III: Diamond Setting Class I - Bruce McKay

Silver III: Diamond Setting Class I - Bruce McKay

Class | FULL

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Silver III: Diamond Setting Class I - Bruce McKay

Class | FULL




This Beginning Diamond and Stone Setting class begins with tool preparation then moves to setting a basic bright set stone. The technique of the bright set is the basis for almost all diamond setting, once that is mastered other styles can easily be added. After setting one stone, we move on to setting three in a row, then variations from there.

Students will learn how to prepare tools for hammer setting bezel set cabochons and set a stone in a thick bezel. Students will learn to hammer set a stone in a very heavy bezel without damage to the stone.

Students will also learn to set a simple tube set of a faceted stone

On the last day we use our diamond setting gravers to learn engraving as an embellishment to our metalwork.

We practice with brass, silver and synthetic stones, priced on a per item basis. All basic tools are provided as part of the cost of the class and the tool kit belongs to the students to take home.

Students who have taken this class before are welcome to come again and continue their skills. The tool cost for returning students is much smaller.


Class Fee: $270 (This includes $170 in tools)

Consumables Fee: 0

Prerequisites: Minimum of two Silver II classes. 

McKay, Bruce
Bruce McKay

Bruce McKay made his first piece of jewelry in 1969 and decided then that this was to be the art he would follow. He went to the University of Oregon, getting a degree in Art Education. He first began to sell his work at craft shows, then opened a retail store, then ended up with a private studio and showroom where he worked on one of a kind custom piece in Gold and Platinum. Along the way he became a GIA Graduate Gemologist, graduated from Diamond Setting School, became a gemstone dealer, gem cutter and teacher. In 2014 he retired from active work and began to focus on cutting and carving, primarily in Agate and Jasper.