Soft Soldering I - Alfred Taylor

Soft Soldering I - Alfred Taylor

Class | FULL

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Soft Soldering I - Alfred Taylor

Class | FULL




Soft soldering in jewelry making is a process using stained glass techniques with an iron (no torches involved), flux, copper foil, lead free solder and other jewelry components. Materials such as stones cabochons, faceted stones and other materials may also be incorporated in making a finished piece of jewelry. This process is a great for making jewelry for those who do not have a large working area at home, or those who do not like working with flames.

Needed supplies will be furnished. Additional supplies will be available at reasonable prices. You may bring your own embellishments to use in the process of the finished product.

Class Fee: $175

Est Materials Fee: $0-75

Prerequisite: NONE

Taylor, Alfred
Alfred Taylor

Alfred retired in 2015 from managing a fitness center and 22 years of retail management. A graduate from Ball State University with a BA in Art, he continued expanding his craft in stained glass, jewelry designing and making. He currently offers stained glass and different techniques of jewelry making lessons from his workshop. He has received several awards throughout his life in both stained glass and jewelry design/making.