Wire I - Katie LaFlamm

Wire I - Katie LaFlamm

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This Wire I class is an introductory course to set you up for your wire wrapping venture! It’s the perfect place for a beginner to learn the basics including tool description, identification of different types of wire and their properties, general vocabulary often used in the world of wire, and the use of cabochons and beads within specific pieces of jewelry. As a Wire I student you will complete 9 projects in class with the possibility of one to four more depending on time and skill. The class objectives are to learn how to determine the right gauge of wire to use for a specific piece of jewelry and which tools to use, how to properly measure and cut wire, and how to efficiently secure a stone within a wire setting. Proposed projects in this class are as follows: (3) pendants, (2) pairs of earrings, (3) bracelets, and (1) ring. The four bonus projects will be another style of pendant, earrings, and two rings. Other subjects to be covered will include how to properly clean wire jewelry as well as where to purchase stones/wire/tools. Materials used in this class include copper and silver-filled practice wire, sterling silver wire for the projects, calibrated and uncalibrated cabochons, sterling silver beads, gemstone beads, sterling silver ear wires, and various tools needed to complete each project. The instructor will provide all tools and materials needed. Cost of material (iwire, gemstones, and beads) will vary depending on projects and material chosen and the market price of sterling silver wire. Tools and additional material may be purchased at the end of class if desired. The lab fee covers all printed materials, use of instructor’s tools, and miscellaneous materials used in class.


Class Fee: $60
Estimated Material Fee: $207-$280
Prerequisites: None

Additional Class Offerings: 06/09/2024, 09/22/2024

LaFlamm, Katie

Katie has dabbled in wire jewelry for over 10 years. While for many years it was just a hobby, in the last 3 years she has worked hard to turn her hobby into a business. She makes custom wire jewelry for Cowee Gift Shop/Mason Mtn. Mine located in Franklin, North Carolina and attend numerous craft shows as a wire jewelry artis. In 2004, after having served time in the US Coast Guard as a Small Arms Instructor, Katie and her husband moved to Franklin where they bought a campground, and she pursued a career in law enforcement. Years later, Katie was able to switch gears and focus solely on her wire jewelry. She expanded her wire knowledge and skills by taking Wire classes at William Holland Lapidary School. Katie has taught small classes in her studio in Franklin and enjoys sharing her technique and knowledge with others. She is a member of the Phillips Street Market Artisans and serves on the Franklin Tourism and Development Committee at the Chamber of Commerce. Katie’s many hobbies include working in stained and fused glass, reading, and spending time outdoors hiking and kayaking.