Insider Threat Program Manager (ITPM) Certificate Package
Package | FULL (Pricing Level Required)
Course Fees (USD)
U.S. Industry: $3500
U.S. Government/Academic: $3000
International: $4000
Location: SEI Live On-LIne
Students who wish to purchase the certificate program package (two eLearning courses, 3-day course, certificate exam) will receive a discount from the total cost. The program packages correspond with scheduled 3-day course dates, so select the program package that best meets your scheduling needs.
The Insider Threat Program Manager Certificate Package (June 24-26, 2025 (SEI Live On-Line)) consists of the following courses:
Please note that the two eLearning courses will be assigned within two business days of the purchase of a certificate package. The eLearning courses must be completed prior to the delivery date of the 3-day course delivery that you chose to attend.