Insider Risk Management Measures of Effectiveness (IRM-MoE) Certificate Package

Package | Available (Pricing Level Required)

IRM-MoE Certificate Package (Oct2025)
8:30 AM-4:30 PM EDT on Tue Wed Th

Insider Risk Management Measures of Effectiveness (IRM-MoE) Certificate Package

Package | Available (Pricing Level Required)

Course Fees (USD)
U.S. Industry: $3500
U.S. Government/Academic: $3000
International: $4000

Location: SEI Live Online

Students who wish to purchase the certificate program package (two eLearning courses, live online course, certificate exam) will receive a discount from the total cost. The program packages correspond with scheduled live online course dates, so select the program package that best meets your scheduling needs.

The Insider Risk Management Measures of Effectiveness (IRM-MoE) Certificate Package (October 28-30, 2025 (SEI, Live-Online)) consists of the following courses:

Please note that the two eLearning courses will be assigned within two business days of the purchase of a certificate package. The eLearning courses must be completed prior to the delivery date of the live online course delivery that you chose to attend.