S25-38 Music and the Brain-Part2
Class | Registration opens 3/3/2025 9:00 AM
In 1697, William Congreve penned the expression: “Music Hath Charm to Soothe the Savage Breast” to describe how music influences one’s feelings. More meaningful today, neuroscience has learned much more about how the brain responds to this powerful stimulus, thus linking science and culture. Science has shown that there are no less than 10 brain areas that are stimulated when listening to music. This course will explore how this phenomenon influences not only the listener’s brain, but also mood, memory, emotions, well-being, and even personality. Starting with a brief overview of the brain’s anatomy, these influences will be described. Finally, participants will listen and respond to musical pieces representing selected musical genres to see first-hand how the response to these affects their individual behaviors.
Nick Maiorino
Nick Maiorino, a member of ILR for 9 years, is a life-long learner with more than 60 years of teaching experience. He holds a BS degree in Education; MS degree in Statistics, Measurement and Evaluation; 6th Year Certificate in Administration and Supervision; and advanced degrees in the sciences. While his main focus is science, he has offered courses in his many other interests such as history, music, and current events. He currently serves on the ILR Board of Governors and the Curriculum Committee.